Are you someone who dreams of achieving greatness, of leading an extraordinary life filled with accomplishments and fulfilment? You are yearning to exercise more, to take charge of your health and well-being, but find yourself constantly battling against the constraints of time and other distractions?

Then it’s time to unlock the secrets that lie within the pages of Nir Eyal’s “Indistractable” and Joe Dispenza’s “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.” Books that hold the keys to transforming aspirations into reality, guiding you towards a life of purpose, productivity, and personal growth.

As outlined in Nir Eyal’s insightful work, the secret to EXTRA-ORDINARY success… is time blocking! Time blocking is a simple yet incredibly effective technique for managing your schedule and maximizing productivity. By setting aside specific blocks of time dedicated to your most important tasks – whether exercising, working on a passion project, or spending quality time with loved ones – you can eliminate distractions and focus fully on the important tasks in living your EXTRA-ORDINARY life.

However, time blocking is more than just a productivity hack; it’s a powerful tool for shaping your daily habits and behaviours. When you consistently allocate time for exercise or self-improvement, you’re sending a clear signal to your subconscious mind that these activities are priorities in your life. Over time, this subconscious programming will help you develop the discipline and consistency needed to turn these behaviours into lasting habits.

The concept of subconscious programming is deeply explored in Joe Dispenza’s groundbreaking book, which really focuses on the power of manifesting, changing our thought patterns and breaking the previous habits that hold us back. Dispenza argues that ‘our habits and behaviours are deeply rooted in our subconscious mind, shaped by years of conditioning and repetition’. But through consciously reprogramming our thoughts and beliefs, we can break free from old patterns and create a new reality for ourselves.

So, how do we apply these principles to our daily lives? Start by incorporating time blocking into your schedule and carving out dedicated slots for exercise, self-care, and personal development. Write down your goals and intentions in your diary, calendar or in an online document, reaffirming them to yourself each day. Treat these appointments with yourself as non-negotiable, just like you would any other commitment or obligation.

As you consistently follow through with your time blocks and reinforce your intentions, you’ll begin to notice subtle shifts in your mindset and behaviour. You’ll find yourself more focused, disciplined, and motivated to pursue your goals. And as these small victories accumulate, you’ll gain momentum on your journey towards success and becoming extra-ordinary.

So start now. if you’re ready to break free from the limitations of time and distractions, it’s time to embrace the power of time blocking and subconscious programming. Take inspiration from Nir Eyal’s “Indistractable” and Joe Dispenza’s “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself,” creating a life of purpose, productivity, and extraordinary achievement. So go ahead, book those appointments with yourself, and watch as your dreams become reality.