One of the most significant issues we see in fitness—particularly in Strength and Conditioning like at VSC—is that too many people approach exercise as an act of performance (did I win or lose?) rather than a sign of personal capability and progress.
It’s easy to fall into this mindset, especially when you’re asked to track your scores, push to your limits, and see everything written on the whiteboard for everyone to view. It can give a feeling like showing off your house without tidying up, revealing your bank balance, or letting someone peek inside your car without cleaning it first. Vulnerable, right? But here’s the truth: nobody cares.
What should people care about? What should you care about? Effort. And that effort is your choice.
Your fitness journey is yours alone, and we all come from different backgrounds, have unique experiences, and possess varying levels of ability. Some people are chasing muscle-ups, handstand push-ups, or a 100 kg snatch. Others want to feel stronger, fitter, or more capable daily. And that’s totally okay.
Let’s take a moment and reframe how we think about progress for a minute. Your fitness journey isn’t about competing with the person next to you or meeting some arbitrary standard. It’s about showing up, giving your best effort, and finding a deeper purpose for your training, which should be the focus for the majority.
Because the truth is, your past decisions or circumstances don’t define your potential. Maybe you don’t own a house because finances are tight, or you drive an older car because that fits your life. Fitness is no different. Whether you’re doing muscle-ups or modifying push-ups, the important thing is that you’re putting in the work.
David Goggins famously said that most of us operate at just 40% of our potential. While his extreme philosophies might not resonate with everyone—they don’t resonate with me, I can tell you that— however, this idea has merit. You’re capable of more than you think—and that’s why you’re here. You know you have more to give and want to become more physically capable.
At Vasse Strength and Conditioning, we design workouts not to crown the fastest, strongest, or most talented but to celebrate the personal achievements of those who show up. We celebrate personal effort, achievement, and attendance—the real metrics we value.
The key to success you are looking for is focusing on what you can control. Performance comes down to a choice. You can decide how much effort you put into a workout, whether to lean into your discomfort and push a little harder, and whether to show up even when it’s tough.
At VSC, we provide the tools, space, and community to help you become extraordinary—more than you are today and more than you’ll be tomorrow. But it’s up to you to make the choices that align with your goals.
Ultimately, it is because we believe that everyone has untapped potential. Our workouts aren’t about proving you’re better than someone else. They’re about helping you uncover what’s inside of you. We’re here to celebrate your wins, no matter how big or small, and to remind you that showing up is half the battle. But it is a battle worth winning.
So the next time you step into the gym, remember: the scoreboard doesn’t define you, even though I will make you use it. Your effort does. Your choices do. And when you lean into those, you’re unstoppable. Get after it! Become extraordinary.